Multi-Cloud Hosting

What is Multi-Cloud Hosting

Emerging technologies that support team communication, organizational resilience, and huge data management enable organizations to mitigate the pandemic's early effects and lay a solid basis for the future. Hosting multiple clouds is one of these technologies.

A wide variety of cloud assets, including software and documents, are distributed over two or more cloud environments in this comparatively new method to cloud-based hosting. It is a strategy where an organization uses a number of cloud computing platforms to carry out various operations and processes, from the standpoint of the business model. By allowing a corporation the choice to work with different providers, it liberates them from entire dependence on a single cloud host. An business has the option to only use the finest services from each cloud host in this configuration.

Multiple is preferable to one.

The benefits of cloud hosting are increased by this next-generation approach while numerous business processes like security, interoperability, data access, and IT operations are streamlined. The best option is not just to store all corporate data in the public cloud. Instead, effective risk management calls for spreading out one's digital assets over a number of public cloud service providers (IBM, 2020).

According to 35% of businesses that have already switched to multi-cloud hosting, the requirement for dependable compliance, access control, and security will be their biggest concern in 2020. (IBM, 2020). This results from the difficulties that come with using many clouds, including the potential for high egress costs, data gravity, and shattered silos.

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